6th Grade

Sixth graders will engage in a study of ancient world history; the writing of a short research paper; lessons in pre-algebra, percent, proportion, and statistics; and the development of reading skills and reading comprehension are all included in the sixth-grade materials. Each subject is taught with the Bible clearly in view.


Academy of Excellence invests in Bible curriculum for grades 1-12 that

  • Lifts up Jesus Christ by keeping the spotlight on Him and His Redemption through every Bible account.
  • Shapes Biblical Worldview emphasis by the ongoing use (in all walks of life) of the Creation-Fall-Redemption lens.
  • Helps teach best practices for reading through direct instruction using the Word of God at a level readable by the students themselves.
  • Unifies all diverse groups by giving an approach that keeps everyone learning the same sections of Scripture at the same time.
  • Provides resources that do not overwhelm our students who struggle with English and reading.

emphasizes traditional grammar as well as practice with essential reference skills. The elementary English educational materials provides a step-by-step introduction to the Writing Process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as personal narratives, newspaper editorials, historical fiction, and limericks.

Students receive continued instruction in:

  • Parts of Speech & Word usage
  • Sentence Structure
  • Capitalization & Punctuation
  • Writing Skills & Projects
  • Study & Reference Skills
  • Listening & Speaking Skills



engages students with a variety of character-building stories and classic literature selections. An emphasis on literary elements, higher-level thinking skills, and vocabulary enrichment provides a bridge to junior high literature classes.

Students continue to receive emphasis in:

  • Word Recognition & Fluency
  • Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Literature – character, imagery, poetry
  • Study Skills – PQ3R study method
  • Composition – stylistic devices



presents a variety of spelling exercises, etymology sections, and studies of common Greek and Latin word roots. Spelling lists are arranged by groups of similar words to help students defeat common spelling errors.


teaches students to produce legible handwriting and promotes good handwriting habits. Calligraphy is also introduced, adding an interesting and challenging element to the educational materials.


Math 6 reviews previously taught concepts and introduces new ones such as statistics and graphs, solving for variables in an equation, and more. The educational materials are taught from a biblical perspective and encourages students to use math as a tool for exercising dominion over the earth. The materials also teaches for understanding and aims to develop critical thinking skills


Curriculum reveals the incredible intricacies of cells and organisms, matter and energy, astronomy, heredity, the nervous system, and the immune system. These elementary science educational materials include exciting, but manageable science experiments and science projects.

Topics covered include:

  • Earth – earthquakes & volcanoes, weathering and erosion, soil, natural resources
  • Space – stars, solar system
  • Living things – cells & classification; plant & animal classification; plant & animal reproduction; genetics
  • Human Body – nervous system, immune system
  • Motion and machines
  • Electricity – magnetism, circuitry
  • Chemistry – atoms, classification, periodic table, compounds, formulas, reactions, bonds

Heritage Studies take students on a richly illustrated tour of the history and culture of ancient civilizations like Egypt, China, Israel, Greece, Africa, the Mayas, and the Roman world. Though written for the elementary school level, it still provides a detailed and engaging account of ancient history.


The following subject areas are explored:

  • Geography – map skills & mapping
  • Ancient civilizations – biblical perspective
  • World History – archaeology
  • Government – empires, kingdoms, cities
  • Economics – trade, currency, specialization
  • Culture – languages, religion, customs, arts & music, food & clothing
  • American History – ancient influences
  • Social Studies Skills – cause & effect