Fifth graders will find an emphasis on reading comprehension, math practice, and hands-on science projects. Grammar rules are reinforced as the student writes short essays and business letters. Heritage Studies 5 describes the period of American history between the flight of the Wright brothers and the Vietnam War. Your students will experience biblical truth integrated across disciplines, see godly character defined, and learn man’s place in God’s creation.


Academy of Excellence invests in Bible curriculum for grades 1-12 that

  • Lifts up Jesus Christ by keeping the spotlight on Him and His Redemption through every Bible account.
  • Shapes Biblical Worldview emphasis by the ongoing use (in all walks of life) of the Creation-Fall-Redemption lens.
  • Helps teach best practices for reading through direct instruction using the Word of God at a level readable by the students themselves.
  • Unifies all diverse groups by giving an approach that keeps everyone learning the same sections of Scripture at the same time.
  • Provides resources that do not overwhelm our students who struggle with English and reading.

studies traditional grammar and guides students through the step-by-step use of the Writing Process for a variety of writing assignments, such as compare-contrast essays, persuasive business letters, research reports, and more. The student worktext provides guided practice, independent practice, chapter reviews, and cumulative reviews. The elementary English educational materials provides a good balance of grammar and writing instruction.

Students receive instruction in:

  • Parts of Speech & Word usage
  • Sentence Structure
  • Capitalization & Punctuation
  • Writing Skills & Projects
  • Study & Reference Skills
  • Listening & Speaking Skills

provides engaging reading material for the 5th grade level. Presented in a colorful, richly illustrated format, the literature selections help students build reading comprehension, exercise critical thinking skills, and cultivate an appreciation of literature.

Students receive emphasis in:

  • Word Recognition & Fluency
  • Vocabulary & Comprehension
  • Literature- genre, character, plot, imagery
  • Study Skills
  • Book Reports & Composition

introduces new spelling words organized by phonetic sound for the 5th grade spelling level. Word histories and etymologies are presented in “Word for Word” sections to build understanding and interest in the English language. Journal entry ideas provide students with weekly writing practice.


refines students’ handwriting skills and guides students in maintaining consistent, legible penmanship.


Math 5 builds confidence in working with fractions and increases students’ understanding of math concepts by using manipulatives, which help students visualize the ideas discussed. Students will build upon previous math knowledge and be challenged by an optional pre-algebra chapter.


Curriculum explores God’s creation in a study of minerals and rocks, fossils, matter and heat, sound and light, weather, ecosystems, and the respiratory and circulatory systems. Students develop scientific process skills by participating in hands-on activities and projects. Science 5 provides fascinating scientific information through understandable text, charts, diagrams, and colorful photographs and illustrations.

Topics covered include:

  • Earth – layers of earth & atmosphere, soil, minerals, rocks & fossils, weather
  • Space – technology
  • Living things – dinosaurs, biomes, ecosystems
  • Human Body – respiratory system, circulatory system
  • Energy – heat, sound, light
  • Matter – measuring, states, physical changes, atoms & molecules, mixtures

Heritage Studies continues the narrative of American history from the development of the automobile in the late 1800s through the inauguration of President Obama in 2009. Topics presented from a biblical perspective include the invention and influence of the automobile and airplane, World War I, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War, struggles over civil rights, the war on terror, Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and immigration decisions.

The following subject areas are explored:

  • Geography – map skills & mapping
  • American History – biblical perspective
  • Government branches
  • Economics – stocks, supply & demand
  • Culture – languages, religion, customs