Third graders are at a fundamental stage of developing the habits, character, and discipline that will carry them through life. The BJU Press materials will help guide your students with reading lessons, character-building Bible stories, scientific classification, and handwriting. Heritage Studies covers American history from the pioneer settlements to the Wild West.


Academy of Excellence invests in Bible curriculum for grades 1-12 that

  • Lifts up Jesus Christ by keeping the spotlight on Him and His Redemption through every Bible account.
  • Shapes Biblical Worldview emphasis by the ongoing use (in all walks of life) of the Creation-Fall-Redemption lens.
  • Helps teach best practices for reading through direct instruction using the Word of God at a level readable by the students themselves.
  • Unifies all diverse groups by giving an approach that keeps everyone learning the same sections of Scripture at the same time.
  • Provides resources that do not overwhelm our students who struggle with English and reading.

emphasizes traditional grammar, such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and mechanics, and provides practice with essential reference skills. In addition the text explains the step-by-step use of the Writing Process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as a friendly letter, a make-believe story, instructions, a book report, and more .

Students receive instruction in:

  • Parts of Speech
  • Sentence Structure
  • Capitalization & Punctuation
  • Word usage
  • Writing Skills & Projects
  • Study & Reference Skills
  • Listening & Speaking Skills



deepens reading skills and comprehension by providing a collection of engaging reading material for the 3rd grade level. The two-volume reading text guides students as they build reading comprehension, grow in phonics skills, and absorb character-building stories that demonstrate biblical truth and timeless virtues .

Students receive emphasis in:

  • Phonics & Word Recognition
  • Vocabulary
  • Literature- genre, character, plot, imagery
  • Comprehension
  • Fluency
  • Study Skills
  • Composition




teaches students to apply more generalizations to word families and give extensive practice in adding suffixes. Expanded dictionary skills, guided journal entries, and Bible word studies are all key components. Each lesson provides enjoyable activities to help students remember the spelling words they learned

  • word patterns and generalizations
  • proofreading
  • dictionary skills
  • writing application.

reinforces good handwriting habits and establishes a consistent, legible writing style. Handwriting practices include copying poems, paragraphs, Bible verses, and writing personal compositions.


Math 3 provides practice and review of basic math and introduces the fundamental principles of fractions and geometry. The math educational materials seeks to develop problem solving skills through word problems. A Chapter Review and a Cumulative Review are included in each chapter to reinforce the covered math concepts


Curriculum provides age-appropriate scientific information through text, charts, and colorful photographs and illustrations. The students are carefully guided through experiments, activities, and projects. The last page of each chapter provides key terms and concepts to review as well a brief writing activity to exercise higher-level thinking skills.

Topics covered include:

  • Earth – rocks, minerals, soil, weather
  • Space – solar system
  • Living things – warm- & cold- blooded animals; plants & ecosystems
  • Human Body – ear, skin
  • Physical Sciences of motion, sound energy, and properties of matter

Heritage Studies relates in understandable language the story of America from the framing of the Constitution up until the days of the Wild West. Students will relive key moments in our nation’s history and discover interesting traditions from the past. Exciting activities provide students with an outlet for the facts they learn such as building a model log cabin, folding the American flag, learning early American songs, and making musical instruments.

The following subject areas are explored:

  • Geography
  • Social Studies Skills
  • American History
  • Government – Constitution
  • Economics
  • Culture