Second grade students improve their skills of reading and writing by using curriculum which includes phonics educational materials and reading lessons to help your students grow in reading comprehension. Other subjects teach foundational English grammar handwriting, spelling, American history, and the scientific view of God’s creation.


Academy of Excellence invests in Bible curriculum for grades 1-12 that

  • Lifts up Jesus Christ by keeping the spotlight on Him and His Redemption through every Bible account.
  • Shapes Biblical Worldview emphasis by the ongoing use (in all walks of life) of the Creation-Fall-Redemption lens.
  • Helps teach best practices for reading through direct instruction using the Word of God at a level readable by the students themselves.
  • Unifies all diverse groups by giving an approach that keeps everyone learning the same sections of Scripture at the same time.
  • Provides resources that do not overwhelm our students who struggle with English and reading.

emphasizes traditional grammar, such as parts of speech, sentence structure, and mechanics, and provides practice with essential reference skills. In addition the text explains the step-by-step use of the Writing Process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as a friendly letter, a make-believe story, instructions, a book report, and more .

Students receive instruction in:

  • Parts of Speech
  • Sentence Structure
  • Capitalization & Punctuation
  • Word usage
  • Writing Skills & Projects
  • Study & Reference Skills
  • Listening & Speaking Skills



encourages higher-level thinking, emphasizes character traits and Biblical principles and truths, and helps students grow in reading comprehension with compelling stories. The two-volume reading text includes familiar favorite stories as well as exciting new reading selections.

Students receive emphasis in:

  • Phonics and Word Recognition
  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Literature
  • Informational Text Skills
  • Fluency
  • Composition



reinforces the most reliable spelling patterns and introduces the most common structural generalizations. Writing weekly journal entries allows your student to apply the spelling and composition skills that he is learning. Guided activities including Bible word studies help your student learn

  • word patterns and generalizations
  • proofreading
  • dictionary skills
  • writing application.

provides detailed direction for good handwriting techniques. Students will practice consistent letter formation for the PreCursive alphabet and transition to the cursive alphabet. Student activities reinforce the other subjects and enhance the language arts materials.


Math 1 uses manupulatives and real-life experiences to teach place value, addition, subtraction, geometry, time, money, measurement, and fractions—all with engaging themes and characters. Writing equations, reading graphs, and other concepts are introduced as part of problem-solving skills


Our curriculum teaches the student how to use science process skills to learn and tell about Gods creation. The program focuses on what scientists do, living things, plants, environments, fossils and dinosaurs, the layers and features of the earth, how the earth moves, natural resources, light, forces and motion, and how the body works.

The student develops his scientific process skills as he participates in hands-on activities and projects in

  • Earth & Space Science
  • Life Science – including animals & plants
  • Human Body
  • Physical Sciences of motion, energy, and matter

Heritage Studies explores American culture in colonial times from Jamestown to the War for Independence. The text features colorful illustrations and discussions of colonial farming, shop keeping, clothing, and also interesting information about kings and queens in Europe ruling at the time—all presented in understandable language for the 2nd-grade level.

The following subject areas are explored:

  • Geography
  • American History
  • Government
  • Economics
  • Culture